
Freeloading Wife in Waikiki


This week I’ll be taking a break from the routine and spending some time with my husband in Honolulu. Even though this is a work trip for him, I’ll be taking advantage of this opportunity to catch up on reading, drawing and just delighting in God’s creation.

What a gift to spend time with Dave…with the schedules we both maintain, our alone-time is the first thing to get cut. Not good. So your prayers for good connecting times is greatly appreciated.

What a gift to spend time with my journal. It is where I meet God, wrestle with what He’s teaching me, make observations about my world. Very expectant. Hopefully it will yield some blog posts…


2 thoughts on “Freeloading Wife in Waikiki

  1. Amazoman says:

    Excellent. Enjoy the time. Look forward to hearing what God says to you. It always excites me to hear Him speak, especially through others.

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